Persistent dry cough causes may vary. Health practitioners classify dry cough as a common symptom that related to a mild to severe disease, disorders and conditions. Those who get prolonged and severe dry cough should seek a medical help to get a proper diagnosis. In several chronic cases, the more the disease identified, the easier it treated.
Specific to the main cause of the cough, it can be accompanied with other symptoms such as chest pain, fever, sore throat, and shortness of breath. Unrelated signs including changes in blood pressure, lost of appetite, sleep difficulty, and low blood oxygen level may appear together with the cough.
1. An upper airways infection is the common cause of this dry cough. In more severe causes this health problem may be caused by whooping cough or pertussis, a highly contagious condition that can affect to any one. Unvaccinated infants and children are more prone to this pertussis. Besides two causes above, the cough may become a sign of several diseases such as tuberculosis, empyema, croup, and legionnaires’ disease.
2. Severe and life-threatening condition including lung cancer and congestive heart failure may cause this annoying cough. Those who experience persistent dry cough, they should find a medical help. Doctor will enroll a series of test including interview, physical and lab test to diagnose their condition.
3. Mild irritant such as cigarette smoke can irritate the lungs and may trigger the presence of dry cough. The smoke from cigarette that contact to the upper respiratory including airways, it can destroy cilia. Those heavy smokers have a great risk of getting a persistent dry cough. Besides cigarette’s smoke, in certain people, specific allergen may trigger severe cough. According to the DailyStrength website, post-nasal, drip from allergic reaction may trigger a chronic cough.
4. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) may cause the cough. In individual with GERD, a condition when the stomach acid back up through the lower esophagus and cause chest pain and burning sensation in the throat, has a great risk of getting the cough. The acid may irritate the lower esophagus wall and trigger the cough.
5. One of the persistent dry cough causes in dry air extreme temperature changes. According to, in some people, extreme temperature change caused by air heating or conditioning systems may trigger this condition. High blood pressure drug that grouped as beta blocker and ACE inhibitor may cause a chronic dry cough as its side effects.
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